Briefly in English ® collects/ transports your wrecked, otherwised useless or broken car or light duty truck, to a authorized automobile salvage company in Stockholm area.
Here follows the procedure briefly in 3 steps:
Use your online service or call us for personal service and tell us where the car is to be collected.
We need to know exact address, the registration identity of the vehicle & your telephonenumber.
Prepare your title, and sign it ( Registreringsbevis del 2, Yellow ownership document)
If you have lost your Registreringsbevis please order a new one at Transportstyrelsen 077-125 25 25 or at
If you have a foreign vehicle registered in a country within the European community
you will need to present the title of the car issued from the country of origin, and your passport.
A document from the Swedish Transport board -Transportstyrelsen will be issued.
The owner of the car must return this document to the country of origin
together with the registration plates.
All clear.